Saturday, May 28, 2011


I am done with my experiment. It has been a very fun project, I have learned a lot about making things look nice and how to make a great project. Now all I have to do is present it and then I'm done.

Display Board Adventure

I used rubber cement to paste my graphs, papers, and decorations on my board. The rubber cement kept sticking so I had to add some more when the graphs and everything started falling. I put a border of construction paper on the pictures and my procedure. I added some ants to make my display board come alive and look more exciting.
I printed out a black and white copy of my conclusion and everything that I'm going to put on my display board.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Display Board

I called someone in my church who makes signs in his buisness. I asked him if he could do the lettering for my title on the display board. He said he would be happy to do it. I can't wait to see what it looks like. I also planned out what my display board is going to look like and where everything is going to go. It's going to look really cool I think.
My Display Board in small form

Everything is not the right color but I will fix that later. This is just a draft. On the real display board everthing will be all good and the right colors

Write up

I did some of my write up today. I put what I did in my experiment and things I would change if I did it again. I dicussed some things with my dad, and came up with some ideas on what to put on the display board including: pictures, charts and more.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Today I put my foods I picked for my ants in a chart to see if they are really high and low calorie food. I saw that the PB,Hershey's chocolate and the butter are all high calorie. I also saw that the whipped cream I was going to use was not low enough in calories but the Light yogurt and the banana were low enough. So I decided to use Apple juice but I came to a conclusion that Apple juice is to liquidity. So then I deicided to use Salsa. Salsa did work so I put the food in different colored straw so i can identify them and then stuck them in the freezer.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pre - experiment

Today I went out and put whiped cream on two ant mounds to see what times I should go to my ant mounds in the real experiment. I decided to do intervals of 1 minute, 4 minutes, and 15 minutes. I also wrote half of my procedure for my experiment.